Frequently asked questions
Welcome to our FAQ section! Here, you’ll find answers to the most common questions we receive. If you don’t see your question listed, feel free to reach out to our support team for assistance.
What are the eligibility requirements for U.S. citizenship?
How do I apply for U.S. citizenship?
You can start the process by filing an application through We make it easy to apply with step-by-step guidance and a Lawyer Review Service to ensure everything is completed accurately. Apply Now and start your journey to becoming a U.S. citizen.
How long does the citizenship process take?
Typically, the process takes between 8 and 12 months, but it can vary based on location and demand. can help you understand the timeline and keep track of your case with personalized updates to make sure you stay on top of each step.
How can I prepare for the English and civics test?
We provide comprehensive Study and Preparation Resources to help you practice and feel confident. With a 94% national pass rate and our tools to prepare you, there’s no need to worry! We’ll be there to guide you through every question and answer.
Can I apply for citizenship if I have a criminal record?
Having a criminal record doesn’t automatically disqualify you, but it may affect your application. We recommend using our Lawyer Review Service to help you understand your options and increase your chances of a smooth process.
What happens if I fail the English or civics test?
Don’t worry! You have a second chance to retake any portion you didn’t pass. With’s Study Resources, we’ll make sure you’re well-prepared. We’re committed to helping you succeed, so you don’t have to be afraid of this part of the process.
Will I lose my current citizenship if I become a U.S. citizen?
Many people worry about losing their original citizenship, but most countries allow for Dual Citizenship, so you won’t have to give up your original nationality. Check with your home country’s policies to be sure, and let us help you through any questions.
How much does it cost to apply, and do you offer payment plans?
The government fee is $760, which covers the application and biometrics fees. charges an additional service fee for our guidance, support, and access to expert assistance throughout the process. We make this affordable with Flexible Payment Plans to help you manage both the government and service fees. We want you to feel supported every step of the way, so you can start your journey without worrying about the upfront cost.
I’ve heard the process is complicated. How can you make it easier? simplifies the process with our Government Fee Guarantee and easy-to-follow application steps. You’ll receive clear guidance at every point, and our support team is always ready to help answer questions or assist you along the way.
Can I get a lawyer to review my application?
Yes! Our Lawyer Review Service offers peace of mind by having a professional review your application to ensure accuracy and completeness. This option is perfect if you want to feel extra secure about your application’s chances of approval.
What happens if I’m afraid of failing the U.S. citizenship test?
It’s common to worry, but over 94% of applicants pass the test! With Study Materials and Support from, we’ll give you everything you need to prepare confidently. Don’t be afraid—we’ll help you every step of the way to make sure you’re ready.
Can I bring my family members to the U.S. once I become a citizen?
Yes! Once you become a U.S. citizen, you can petition for family members to join you in the U.S., including spouses, children, and parents. provides guidance on this process to help bring your loved ones closer.
Get Your Citizenship Done Right—Guaranteed
Your application, backed for success
Every form is thoroughly reviewed for errors, inconsistencies, and omissions, ensuring 100% accuracy, a smooth process, and peace of mind throughout your journey.
Your fees, fully protected.
If your application is denied due to our error, we’ll refund your government fees in full—guaranteed. Focus on your journey while we handle the details.
Your satisfaction, our promise.
If you're not completely satisfied within 14 days, we’ll give you your money back—guaranteed. Experience our services with total confidence.
Take the First Step Toward Becoming a U.S. Citizen
Begin your journey to U.S. citizenship with confidence. Whether you prefer to handle it yourself or need full legal support, we’re here to help. Get started today and take control of your future.